About Us
Shenzhen University was founded to honour the policy of reform and opening up in China. The subject of Communication was started in 1985 while Communication research Institute was established in 1990. Since 1992, some other Institutes were established such as Culture of Special Economic Zone Institute and Tourism Science Institute. The Centre for Media & Social Change was formed in 2004 as the result of a merger of above existing institutes. The Centre was chosen to be the key research institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Guangdong in 2005.The centre is under the direct control of the university, which shoulders many responsibilities such as organising major research projects, conducting academic researches, training professional researchers, conducting high-level academic exchanges and providing decision making consultations.
There are 15 professors, 20 associate professors and over 10 lecturers. The interdisciplinary study has been launching based on journalism & communication and blended with philosophy, sociology, anthropology, semiotics, economics, management, human geography, culture study, art theories & criticism, IT & computer science and so on. Current research directions include: communication theory & culture study, media society study, journalism theory & practice, advert & brand communication study, creative city & cultural industries study and film &visual communication study. Some on going and finished funded researches include one Major National Social Science Foundation Project, six NSSF projects, two research projects of National Natural Science Foundation, one National Art Disciplinary project, eight Ministry of Education Social Science Programs, seven key-projects of Guangdong Humanities and Social Sciences, seven planned-projects of Humanities and Social Sciences and so on. Apart from above, our colleagues also published many academics books, translations, textbooks and hundreds papers.