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Deng, X., & Yip, V. (2016). The role of perception and cognition in the linguistic
    encoding of space in child Mandarin. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 44(2), pp. 287-325.
Deng, X., & Yip, V. (2015). The linguistic encoding of space in child Mandarin:
    A corpus-based study. Linguistics 53(5), pp. 1079-1112.
Gao, Hua. 2012. Tag-questions in Mandarin Chinese. In Ishiguro, Teruhiro & Luke,
    Kang-kwong (Eds.) Grammar in Cross-linguistic Perspective (Linguistic Insights:
    Studies in Language and Communication Vol. 57. Peter Lang, Bern, NY, Oxford,
    pp. 43-63.
Gao, Hua. 2006.  Two types of topic-only questions in Chinese. Journal of Chinese
    Language and Computing Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 73-97.
Hendriks, H., Ji, Y. & Hickmann, M., 2009. Typological issues regarding the
    expression of caused motion: English, French and Chinese. In M. Brala (Ed.),
    Space and Time in Language and Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars
    Press, pp. 1-15.
Heuven, V. J van, Wang, H., 2006. Onderlinge verstaanbaarheid van Chinese,
    Nederlandse en Amerikaanse sprekers van het Engels. In T. Koole, J. Nortier, B.
    Tahitu (eds.) Artikelen van de vijfde sociolinguistische conferentie, Eburon, Delft,

    pp. 257-266.

Huang, Y. T., Zheng, X., Meng, X., & Snedeker, J., 2013. Children’s assignment of
    grammatical roles in the online processing of Mandarin passive   sentences.
    Journal of memory and language  69(4), pp. 589-606.


Ji, Y (Ed.). 2015. Representing Motion in Language and Cognition. Beijing: China

    Social Sciences Press.

Ji, Y. 2015. The (non)-linguistic effects of motion event typology. Language and

    Cognitive Science 1 (1), pp. 1-22.

Ji, Y. 2014. The Expression of Motion Events: Typological and Developmental
    Perspectives. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
Ji, Y., & Hohenstein, J., 2014. The syntactic packaging of caused motion components  
    in  a second language. Lingua 140, pp. 100-116.
Ji, Y., & Hohenstein, J., 2014. The expression of caused motion by adult Chinese
    learners of English. Language and Cognition 6 (4), pp. 427-461.
Ji, Y., Hendriks, H., & Hickmann, M., 2011. How children express caused motion    
    events in Chinese and English: universal and language-specific influences. Lingua
    121 (12), pp. 1796-1819.
Ji, Y., Hendriks, H., & Hickmann, M., 2011. The expression of caused motion events
    in Chinese and in English: some typological issues. Linguistics 49 (5),
    pp. 1041-1076.
Ji, Y., Hendriks, H., & Hickmann, M., 2011. Children’s expression of voluntary
    motion events in English and Chinese. Journal of Foreign Languages 34 (4),
    pp. 2-20.
Ji, Y., Hendriks, H. & Hickmann, M., 2010. An exploration of the status of Chinese in
    motion event typology. In G. Marotta et al. (eds.), Space in Language. Pisa, Italy:
    ETS, pp. 533-542.
Liu, Yi & Deng, T., 2013. Attitudes of Shenzhen Universiade Student Volunteers
    towards World Englishes. Linguistic Research Volume 13, pp. 212-223.
Liu,Yi., 2013. Review of learning to write, reading to learn: genre, knowledge
    and pedagogy in the Sydney School.  Pedagogies, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 387-390.
Liu,Yi & Xiao, Jia., 2013. A Questionnaire Investigation of the Reading to Learn            
    Program Adapted in a Tertiary Setting.  In G. Huang (ed.), Studies in Functional
    Linguistics Vol 12. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Liu, Yi., 2011.  Bernsteinian perspectives on the Reading to Learn Program.
    Annual Review of Functional Linguistics No.3, Higher Educational Press.
Liu, Yi., 2008. Language Syllabus Design, Past and Present. In: C. Chang & J. Ding  
    (eds.), Current Developments in Functional Linguistics. Beijing: Beijing
    University Press.
Liu, Yi., 2005. Error Correction in Spoken English.  Shenzhen University Journal,
    No. 2.
Liu, Yi., 2005. Teacher’s role in ‘the English Standards for Middle School Students'.
    Foreign Languages in Basic Education, No. 5.
Liu, Yi., 2005. On the specialization of foreign language majors at Chinese universities.
    Explorations in Higher Education, No. 5.
Liu, Yi., 2001. A critical survey of curricula for foreign language majors at British
    universities. Foreign Language World, No. 5.
Liu, Yi., 2000. Reflections on Curriculum Design for English Majors at Chinese
    Universities. Foreign Language World, No. 3.
Luo, Sha., 2011. Chinese College Students’ Perceptions of Classroom Participation:
    A Case Study of a Communicative EFL Course. Proceedings of 2011 Shanghai
    International Conference on Social Science.
Wang, H,Heuven, V. J van., 2013. Mutual intelligibility of American, Chinese and  
    Dutch-accented speakers of English tested by SUS and SPIN sentences,
    Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, 2013, Lyon, France, pp. 431-435.
Wang, H,Heuven, V. J van., 2012. Mutual Intelligibility of English Consonants
    produced by Chinese, Dutch and American Speakers of English, Proceedings of
    International Conference of Accent 2012, Lodz, Poland, pp. 263-267.
Wang, H, Zhu, L, Li, X, Heuven, V. J van., 2011. Relative Importance of Tone and
    Segments for the Intelligibility of Mandarin and Cantonese. Proceedings of the
    17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, China,
    pp. 2090-2094.
Wang, H,Heuven, V. J van., 2007. Quantifying the Interlanguage Speech  
    Intelligibility Benefit. In W. Barry & J. Trouvain (eds.), Proceedings of the 16th
    International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany, pp. 1729-1732.
Wang, H., 2007. English as a lingua franca: Mutual intelligibility of Chinese, Dutch
    and American speakers of English. LOT dissertation series, 147. Utrecht: LOT.
    The Netherlands.
Wang, H., Heuven, V. J van, 2006. Acoustical analysis of English vowels produced
    by Chinese, Dutch and American speakers, in Weijer, J.M. van de, Los, B. (eds.),
    Linguistics in the Netherlands 23. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins,
    pp. 237-248.
Wang, H., Heuven, V. J van, 2005. Mutual intelligibility of American, Chinese and
    Dutch-accented speakers of English. Pro¬ceed¬ings of Interspeech, Lisbon: ISCA,
    pp. 2225-2228.
Wang, H., Heuven, V. J van, 2005. Plasticity in vowel and consonant perception by
    Chinese learners of Dutch-accented English. Proceedings of the ISCA Work¬shop
    on Plasticity in Speech Perception, London, pp. 191-194.
Wang, H., Heuven, V. J van, 2004. Cross-linguistic confusion of vowels produced
    and perceived by Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of English, in L. Cornips,
    J. Doetjes (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 21. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
    Benjamins, pp. 205-216.
Wang, H., Heuven, V. J van, 2003. Mutual intelligibility of Chinese, Dutch and
    American speakers of English, in P. Fikkert, L. Cornips (eds.), Linguistics in the
    Netherlands  20. Amsterdam/ Phila¬del¬phia: John Benjamins, pp. 213-224.

陈杰、郑小蓓、孟祥芝、Rachel Pulverman、Twila Tardif、朱莉琪,2012.汉语婴儿

高华, 2010. 汉语中“惯用色名类”指色词的认知语义研究.《华南师范大学学报》185, pp. 28-32.

高华. 2009. 汉语中性问句的认知功能研究.《中国语文研究》27, pp. 83-90.
高华. 2009. 汉语里的“话题问句” .《安徽师范大学学报》37 (4), pp. 321-328.
高华. 2009. “好不好”附加问的话语情态研究.《深圳大学学报》26 (4), pp. 98-102.
高华、张惟. 2009. 汉语附加问句的互动功能研究.《语言教学与研究》139, pp. 45-52.
高华. 2003. 刑事法庭调查中的填表式问句初探.《语言教学与研究》102, pp. 37-44.