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    Vyv Evans  
Professor of Linguistics at Bangor University, UK, General Editor of Language & Cognition (Cambridge University Press), and President of the UK Cognitive Linguistics Association.
    My research relates to Cognitive Linguistics, and I specialise in cognitive semantics, particularly knowledge representation, lexical structure, the relationship between lexical structure and knowledge representation, and figurative language and abstract thought. My research has focused on investigating spatial and temporal language and cognition, and the nature of the linguistic and conceptual resources that we as humans marshal in service of meaning construction.  
    The current theme of my research is to investigate the intersection between the linguistic and conceptual systems that subserve linguistically-mediated meaning construction, which leads to the development of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models, also known as LCCM Theory. I am the author with a dozen of popular books, research monographs and edited volumes including I Thought You Said (2015), The Language Myth (2014), Language and Time (2013), How Words Mean (2012), Language, Cognition and Space (2010), New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics (2009), Cognitive Linguistics (2008) and The Structure of Time (2006).