(最后更新时间:2018/04/17 10:53:00)

2018年深圳大学来华留学本科生招生简章 Admission Brochure for International Students Undergraduate Programs

(最后更新时间:2018-04-17 10:53)


Admission Brochure for International Students Undergraduate Programs


入学时间Time of Enrollment


September in take

学习方式和学习年限  Type and Duration of the Programs

1.  学习方式为全日制

Type of the programs: full-time

2.  学习年限一般为4年,最长不超过8年。

Duration of the programs: Four years (a maximum of eight years).

申请资格General Qualifications for Admission

1. 申请人须是非中国国籍公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国法律、法规和学校的规章制度。

Applicants must be citizens with a valid foreign passport (whose nationalities are not People’s Republic of China). He / She should be in good health conditions and of good conduct. He / She should also abide by the Chinese laws, regulations and the rules of the university.

2. 申请人年满18周岁,高中毕业以上。

Applicants should be 18 years of age, graduated from high school or above.

授课语言Delivery Language

汉语/英语 Chinese/English

中文授课专业Programs Taught in Chinese

国际交流学院 College of International Exchange    

汉语言文学(商务方向)Chinese Language and Literature (Commercial Affairs)

汉语言文学(语言与文化方向)Chinese Language and Literature (Language and Culture)

高等研究院Institute for Advanced Study

理工创新实验班 The Innovation class in Science and Engineering(ICSE)

传播学院 College of Mass Communication        

网络新媒体 Department of Internet & New Media

 科学与技术学院 College of Electronic Science and Technology    

电子科学与技术Electronic Science and Technology

微电子科学与工程Microelectronic Science and Engineering

法学院Law School        

法学 Science of Law

管理学院 College of Management     

工商管理 Business Administration

行政管理Public Administration

人力资源管理Human Resource Management


信息管理与信息系统Information Management and Information System


机电与控制工程学院 College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering     

机械设计制造及其自动化Mechanical Design Manufacture And Automation

自动化 Automation

经济学院College of Economics  

金融学 Finance

会计学 Accounting

国际经济与贸易International Economics and Trade

经济学 Economics

物流学 Logistics

人文学院School of Humanities     

哲学 Philosophy


师范学院 Normal College   

音乐学(流行声乐)Contemporary Vocal Performance

音乐学(流行器乐)Contemporary Instruments Performance

外国语学院School of Foreign Languages 

英语 English

日语 Japanese

法语 France

信息工程学院 College of Information Engineering 

电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering

通信工程 Communications Engineering

集成电路设计与集成系统 Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated System

艺术设计学院College of Design

服装设计Fashion Design

工业设计Industrial Design

环境艺术设计Environmental Design

视觉传达设计Graphic Design

动画/数字媒体Animation Design

创意策划 Creative Design

英文授课专业Programs taught in English

管理学院 College of Management

工商管理 Business Administration

经济学院 College of Economics

国际经济与贸易International Economics and Trade

申请时间及方式   Application Time and Method


Register online via the website of the College of International Exchange, Shenzhen University (http://lxs.szu.edu.cn/) and upload application materials as required. The application time is from May 8th to June 20th each year.

申请材料  Application Materials


Please prepare the following materials before applying:

1.  高中毕业证书、成绩单电子扫描件,应届生应提供就读高中出具的预计毕业证明原件。

Scanned copy of high school diploma and transcript. Graduates shall provide Pre-graduation certificate.

2.  护照电子扫描件Scanned copy of passports.

3.  证件照电子扫描件 Scanned copy of the ID

4.  语言要求 Language requirement



NEW HSK BAND 5 with scores above 180 (Excluding Chinese Language and Literature )



IELTS 5.5 or above  (Excluding English native speaker)

5. 报名费200RMB/人

Application Fee: RMB 200/person

★ 各类证明、学位证和成绩单必须从有效机关签发及公证。

   All certificates, diplomas and transcripts must be issued and notarized by the valid authorities.

★ 所有文件必须经过正规翻译公司翻译成中文或者英文。

   All the documents must be translated in Chinese or English by responsible translation company.

★ 申请材料不全者不予受理。不论录取与否,以上材料一律不予退还。

Applicants who provide incomplete materials will not be accepted. The materials above won’t be returned whether you are admitted or not.

考核方法及程序  Evaluation methods and procedure


The procedure of applying for studying undergraduate in Shenzhen University is as follows:

1. 形式审查。国际交流学院对申请人材料进行形式审查后,将名单及申请材料交与对应学院,于当年6月20日前将通过形式审查的申请人材料交与对应学院。

Verification of qualifications. College of International Exchange, Shenzhen University is responsible for the verification of applicants’ qualifications. Qualified Applications are then passed to college of the applied programs before June 20th.

2. 材料审阅。学院根据意向名单审核申请材料。

Evaluation on the submitted materials. Colleges evaluate application materials of the candidates for admissions.

3. 复试考核。学院以适当形式对申请人进行考核后,于当年6月30日前向国际交流学院提交拟录取名单及相关材料。

Reexamination. Colleges of the programs examine candidates’ ability and language proficiency (face-to-face interview or distant assessment) . Name lists for admission are made according to the reexamination scores and are submitted to College of International Exchange before June 30th.

4. 复核审批。国际交流学院汇总拟录取名单报教务部审批。

After verification, College of International Exchange submits the name lists for admission to the university authority.

5. 正式录取。7月上旬国际交流学院根据审批后的最终名单寄发录取通知书及签证材料。

Formal admission.  According to the final result approved by the university authority, admission office of College of International Exchange sends out documents including admission notices and visa application forms to the candidates at the early of July.

6. 入学报到。来华留学本科生的入学时间为每年9月初,具体时间以录取通知书为准。

Registration. The registration time for undergraduate international students is in early September every year. The specific time is subject to the admission notice.

费用 Fee

1. 学费Tuition Fee

文科:2.6万 RMB/每人/每学年

Liberal arts: 26,000 RMB/person/year

理科:3万 RMB/每人/每学年

Science & Engineering: 30,000  RMB/person/year

医学、艺术、体育类: 4万 RMB/每人/每学年

Medicine, Arts, Physical: 40,000 RMB/person/year

2. 住宿与保险 Accommodation and Insurance


Accommodation: single rooms, double rooms and en suites are all available. The fees vary from 5,400 to 10,000 RMB for per student per semester. (Water and electricity charges are not included)


Insurance: Students are required to purchase insurance from the College of International Exchange on registration day for each semester.  Insurance: 300 per semester

学位授予 Conferring of Degrees


Once approved by the academic degree evaluation committee, students who have completed all the planned courses and gained all the designated credits, as well as passed the undergraduate thesis defense will be awarded a undergraduate degree and graduation certificate of Shenzhen University.

联系方式 Contact Information


Add: 3rd Floor, Zonghe building, Shenzhen University, 3688 Nanhai Boulevard, Shenzhen, Guangdong.


Postal code: Shenzhen 518060

邮箱:   szulxs@szu.edu.cn 

E-mail: szulxs@szu.edu.cn