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报告题目:Digital Manufacturing- Applications Past, Current, and Future Trends



报告内容:Increasingly the convergence of natural environment (land, water, air and life), built environment (housing, buildings, transportation and infrastructure) and digital environment (computing power, the internet, big data, and technology) is shaping the economies and societies. Smart living is taking root. Mass customization of products and services is preferred over mass production. Businesses wish to serve an individual customer at a competitive cost comparable to the mass production cost, with shortest possible development time and production time. This requires manufacturing to change from a more labour intensive processes to information technology enabled mechanical processes. Digital manufacturing is a broader concept of manufacturing innovation in which the digital and material advancements enable the company to conceive products in a desired style and quantity in time scales shorter than the conventional methods while efficiently managing the entire product lifecycle. It is about defining manufacturing processes and managing manufacturing process information via full digital product definition. It encompasses visualization, manufacturing simulation, ergonomic and human factor analyses, holistic view of product and process design, and product design sensitive to the process constraints and capabilities. This article emphasizes the need and driving forces for adopting digital manufacturing, transformation of manufacturing to smart manufacturing, present applications and future scope of digital manufacturing. 

报告人Prasad Yarlagadda教授简介:

Prof. Prasad Yarlagadda worked in industry and university over 30 years in number of countries.  He is currently Professor in Smart Systems and Project Director: Airports of the Future Research in Queensland University of Technology, Australia.  He had number of distinguished appointments in various universities in India, China and Australia.  He received more than $12M funding for his research for various national and international collaborators and he published more than 425 papers with number of key note speeches delivered across the world. In 2012 he received a Prestigious Great Honour Award for his outstanding and life time contribution to the discipline of manufacturing in world Arena from Materials Division of Polish Academy of Sciences.  In 2016 Professor Yarlagadda was awarded Order of Australia Medal and included in Queens Birthday Honours list in recognition of his outstanding service to Engineering Profession and Indian Community in Queensland, Australia.  He is Editor in Chief of Journal of Engineering Technology, Deputy Editor-in-chief, International journal of Achievements in Materials and manufacturing Engineering, International journal of   Achieves of Materials Science and Engineering,  and also editorial board member of 18 ISI listed Journals.  Prof. Prasad had number of community leadership roles as President, Federation of Indian Communities of Queensland Inc., President, The India Australia Society Incl. President, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, (Chapter-209). USA, Chair Person, GOPIO International Science and Technology council are among other leadership positions during past decade.


